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The QueueNov 29, 2015 12:00 pm CT

The Queue: Scenery overload

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!

Even though the only thing currently open on the alpha is the Demon Hunter leveling experience, it’s not what I’d call boring at all. The team over there has really outdone themselves as far as zone design, and given all the little details just in that one little slice of the Legion experience, I can’t wait to see what the Broken Isles look like — and what kind of visual updates Dalaran got. I loved Dalaran in Wrath, I thought it was an amazing capital city and I’m really excited that we’ll be going back there again. I just hope Jones is still around. I miss that fuzzy little guy.


Q4tQ: This has probably been asked before but if so I missed it so…

Are all demons inherently evil and bent on the destruction of all things? Or are they indentured into serving the Legion?

You’d think that with all the “countless” worlds the Legion has conquered atleast one race must have submitted to serving with some of the populace not fully agreeing but, seeing no other option, agreed to follow.. for now.

Is there a chance there might be a smaller faction within the Legion that want to see it fail? Or are they simply the single-minded, purely evil creatures they seem to be?

Demons were around before the Legion was ever created — when Sargeras was Champion of the Pantheon, it was his job to lock them all away. When he created the Legion, they turned around and started serving him, because suddenly he was on their side (and a heck of a lot more powerful than they were). We view demons as evil because they essentially want to wreak havoc and destroy, and that’s pretty much the opposite of what we’re after. We haven’t run into any demons that weren’t incredibly gung-ho about destroying the universe, so I think it’s probably a safe bet to assume that they’re all evil.


Q4TQ: Who built the statue of Anduin Lothar out in the Burning Steppes? When and why? Maybe I’m unclear on the timeline of that zone, but was it inhabited with humans recently enough that there used to be a settlement around that statue? Or did the humans just built a 50 foot high statue of one of their heroes out in the middle of nowhere (where he died, but still).

Orcs, actually. Or rather, Orcs that had been enslaved and put to work after the end of the Second War — while I’m sure they didn’t design the statue (And I imagine that the idea for the statue came from Khadgar, or Terenas, or Varian, or, you know, the majority of the Alliance, as Lothar was universally beloved at the time of his death), they did a lot of the brute labor and hauling of materials. The construction of the statue was briefly mentioned at the end of the novel Tides of Darkness, which covers the Second War.


Any indication on when the Grove Warden mount will be removed?

We’ve been given no indication — I would assume the pre-patch for Legion, but I really have no way of knowing for certain, as it hasn’t been officially announced anywhere just yet. If you haven’t gotten yours yet, I wouldn’t recommend dragging your feet on doing so for long, just in case.


Do we know if the marine that wrote all over the Starcraft collector’s book was a named person or just a grunt?

Fun story — that’s not just one marine making notes! Blizzard posted a closer look at the Field Manual, along with a short interview with Robert Rose, who was the creator of the pretty well known StarCraft to Scale image series. His work was so well done that Blizzard decided to just ask him to come in and help work on the book. Along with the interview, there’s some information on the book, including a note about all that commentary that apparently came from “Dominion Marine recruits of the past.” So it’s not just one marine, it’s plenty of them — and they aren’t named.


If you could make a change to class mechanics, lore, or anything else you want to see go live… what one thing stands out?

I have a lengthy list. I think the one that is currently standing out (just because of my rapt fascination with the Outlaw spec for Rogues), is that I’d really like to see pistols make it into the game as a weapon type. I mean yes, Outlaw Rogues are using them in some attacks, but from what we’ve been told, they aren’t actually equip-able weapons, they’re just part of a particular attack. I could see Marksmanship Hunters using them, and Rogues, and heck, give them to Survival Hunters too while they’re at it. We’ve never really had any significantly new weapons introduced to the game — after 11 years, I think it’d be fun to see some more variety added.

That’s it for today’s Queue — if you have any questions you’d like to see answered, be sure to leave them in the comments below!

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