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News > Overwatch 2Jan 8, 2019 5:00 pm CT

Overwatch players have to earn the new Ana Bastet skin and more

This week, Overwatch players got a big surprise with the Bastet short story that features Ana Amari and Jack Morrison. Tucked in at the bottom of the story was an image that looked a lot like a new skin for our favorite sniper healer. Now we know exactly how to unlock it, along with a bunch of other goodies.

Just like the D.Va Nano Cola Challenge before it, the Ana Bastet Challenge asks you to win nine games in Competitive, Arcade, or Quick Play to earn the new skin. Three wins rewards you a Bastet cat-looking player icon, six games gets you a new Ana victory pose that looks like her sitting emote, and at nine games you get the skin itself.

On top of that, if you watch six total hours of Twitch streams from the list on the Blizzard post, you will get a bundle of sprays, including the photograph of Soldier: 76’s former love, Vincent, that was featured in the story itself. You can view all of those sprays in the post.

If you specifically want to watch streamers that play Ana, I would check out both Fran and Aspen. They both typically play support heroes and, in the current meta, that means a lot of Ana.

The Bastet Challenge will last from today all the way until January 21, which is likely when the current PTR’s changes will go live. You have quite a long time to win games and watch streams, so don’t worry about getting it all done today. And the normal Arcade loot box rewards still apply for Arcade Mode wins, if you still need those!

Be sure to go and read the Bastet story too. It fills us in on what Ana and Soldier: 76 have been doing since the Overwatch organization’s fallout and what’s going on in the game’s present timeline. It definitely seems like Blizzard is building up to something big.

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