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The Queue: Eye have made a terrible mistake

Seriously, doing a Queue after Cory’s massive optical pun extravaganza 2021 was not a  great idea for the guy who gets routine injections and occasional laser blasts to his retina, burning holes in it. But what I want doesn’t matter, when what I’ve chosen is at hand — a Tuesday Queuesday, as it were.

I was going to use a header image of C’thun for this, but then I remembered Ashkandi has a big eyeball in the hilt, and here we are.

I’m listening to Gladiator by Zayde Wolf.  Now you can too!

The Queue: Guys, I just had an incredible idea

Like, just imagine this for a moment.  I know I’ve been anti-nostalgia in the past, but what if — just imagine this, cause it would be so weird — what if Blizzard just decided to go ahead and release vanilla World of Warcraft servers and let people play the game the way it was before The Burning Crusade came out?

I think this could actually work.

Anyway, until that happens, let’s do that Queue we often do.

The Queue: Behold your new tyrant lizard king

Today’s Queue header was brought to you by Phil Davis Giles, who tweeted it at me yesterday while I was recovering from my eye injections — you know, the ones I need to keep being able to see but which hurt a lot. So I was very appreciative to get such a cool picture, based on my ranting during last week’s Queue. Anyway, check it out in all its glory — I had to crop it to fit the Queue header, sadly enough — and also, here’s Scott Leyes excellent runner up.

Let’s Queue this.

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