Search Results For: Carrot On A Stick
Speed up your mount with Carrot on a Stick, get rid of bleeds with a Luffa, and other great trinkets in WoW Classic
As we dive into WoW Classic, we're discovering a lot of things we'd long forgotten.
The Queue: The carrot and the stick
Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!
It’s Monday again, which means today’s Queue might be a short’un.
Must-have keys and quest items for WoW Classic dungeon running
In WoW Classic, to get a random group together, you're going to have to rely on your salesmanship because you're probably going to need to stand in a capital city and spam General Chat while you accumulate your party.
3 ways to motivate your mount to speed up in WoW Classic
We talked about it a little when we discussed trinkets in WoW Classic, but some players really want to know how speed up that mount they're going to pick up at level 40.
Breakfast Topic: Gone but not forgotten
You know how the old saying goes: another beta cycle, another round of cool things gets the nerf bat.
Know Your Lore: What is the story of Warlords of Draenor?
Warlords of Draenor ushered our characters back to the world of Draenor -- a slightly altered, different version of Draenor, but Draenor nonetheless.
Hot dam, we have an extra long weekend to enjoy some critter cuteness!
Here in the United States, we're celebrating Labor Day on Monday.
Marvel Snap encourages players to break away from the meta and use every card in their collection
Playing Marvel Snap, you can tell it has the advantage of being a second-generation card game.
What to know about survival games if you’ve never played one (even though you’ve definitely played one)
After Blizzard announced its new untitled survival game in a new universe, we've seen some confusion circulating about what a survival game is, exactly.
WRUP: It’s time for an Awesome weekend — here’s what Team Blizzard Watch is playing!
I don't know about y'all, but I'm ready for the weekend.