Search Results For: Faction War
Lore Watch Podcast 209: How Blizzard could end the faction war in WoW
The cosmology chart of WoW classes, the Blood Elves' love of puns, and different scenarios that could lead to the end of the faction divide in WoW are discussed in this latest episode of the Lore Watch Podcast.
How do you feel about the Alliance faction emphasis in The War Within?
The argument whether Blizzard favors Alliance or Horde narratively goes back to the game's release and has never truly abated whether the expansion focused on the faction war (Battle for Azeroth) or saw it pushed aside entirely to deal with a common threat (Legion).
All of the powerful gear and useful items you can get from The War Within Renown factions
Each of the Renown quartermasters in The War Within offers you a variety of useful items at all Renown levels but at certain ranks, each faction will sell you high-level gear for different armor slots as well as other useful recipes and craftables to help you as you level up.
Rejoice! Cross-faction queueing is coming in a future patch in The War Within (with some limitations)
It's official!
Meet the Dream Wardens, our latest allies and the new Renown faction in Dragonflight patch 10.2
The Emerald Dream is the newest zone in Dragonflight, arriving in patch 10.2 this week, and it's home to our newest allies and latest Dragonflight Renown faction, the Dream Wardens, who are the resident protectors of the Emerald Dream.
Where to find all faction quartermasters and faction envoys in the Dragon Isles, including the Dream Wardens, new for patch 10.2
World of Warcraft Dragonflight features five main factions -- four were introduced at expansion launch and a brand new faction added in patch 10.1.
Tagging mobs is no longer faction-specific in World of Warcraft Dragonflight
There's no burying the lede here: the World of Warcraft Twitter account announced that faction no longer impacts mob tagging in Dragonflight.
How important is cross-faction play to you? How much do you think it will change World of Warcraft?
Patch 9.2.5 next week, and we're getting Cross-Faction Grouping, a feature I've wanted for years and years.
Cross-faction gameplay is coming to World of Warcraft in patch 9.2.5
For the first time since World of Warcraft launched, players of the Horde and players of the Alliance will be able to work together to tackle raids, dungeons, and even rated PVP in cross-faction groups!
Ways World of Warcraft could keep factions but let us play with all our friends
I think at this point the Horde and Alliance need to exist as separate and somewhat adversarial entities in World of Warcraft.