"A few months back, I was deep in a heated mount-collecting race with a fellow raider when the
Flametalon of Alysrazor dropped during a transmog my significant other and I were on," writes submitter
Fizzl of
Convert to Raid Sha on Aerie Peak (US-A). "Although she won the roll, she was kind enough to trade it to me -- she's not as big a collector as I am, and she knew how much enjoyment I'd get out of owning a mount that my fellow raider did not.
Yesterday morning, I was finally able to repay the gesture with a
Voidtalon of the Dark Star, which she'd wanted more than any other mount from the second she saw it in the game files. The three minutes from the time I saw the portal spawn to the time she made her way over to me were as heart-poundingly nerve-wracking as any end-boss kill I've ever experienced. All worth it in the end, though!
Now, wherever we go, we ride together on our respective gifts."
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