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"I have no idea what’s going on here," writes submitter
Arugadh of
Deep Forest Caravan on Wyrmrest Accord (US-A). "I really don’t. I stumbled across this on an ordinary, routine, go-outside-the-garrison-for-Blingtron stroll. It looked like a duel, but on Wyrmrest Accord, you really can’t assume things like that. I swear, I wasn’t drunk. At least, I’m fairly sure I wasn’t. With dwarves, it’s all kind of fuzzy that way. But some things you just can’t attribute to DTs or drunken binges. Especially not things like this. (The player in question is
Stelios of
Hawkmoon on Wyrmrest Accord [US-A], and as far as I can tell from his Armory, he really does dress that way. Yeah. I screen-cap bystanders. You’ve been warned, everyone. Muahahahah!)"
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Mass Effect 4, can we be an elcor?