"Gnomes seem to be the butt of a lot of
WoW jokes, mainly of the 'punting' variety," writes submitter
Epicurian of
Spectacular Death on Llane (US-A). "We are a vital part of the Azerothian economy. Where would you be without gnomish engineering, less deadly than goblin engineering? Sometimes, however, it can be hard to find a job that doesn't involve a high degree of death. After stumbling around for 82 levels, I finally found something. Once I got the warlock T6 helm I was even
offered the job. Frost wyrms need to keep their teeth sparkly, and my helm works perfectly to get in between where the bits of armor and adventurers wind up."
Want to see your picture here on BlizzCaps? Well, why not? Email your screenshots to
[email protected] and we’ll check it out. BlizzCaps: Where we still maintain that gnomes have no purpose other than edibility and puntability.
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