It looks like dwarves aren't the only race that's developed battle bread. (RIP, Terry Pratchett.) Submitter Soeurlouve of GrandGalacticInquisitor on Llane (US-A) found herself cornered by two enemy tauren, one of whom was wielding a fearsome baguette for a weapon. What's a lowbie worgen to do when outnumbered by the Horde? Why, pull out her Alterac Brew-Pup, of course! The tauren were so enamored with her little doggie that they failed to notice the big doggie charging up a Mind Blast. Bye-bye, cows. Your bread was delicious.
Want to see your picture here on BlizzCaps? Why not? Email your screenshots to and we’ll check it out. BlizzCaps: Where we would prefer a throwing weapon made of bagels to a bread sword, but we'll make do.
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