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Submitter Gimmlette of
Spectacular Death on Llane (US-A) writes, "A guild member mentioned that it was cool to watch his followers go off on their missions. I wasn't sure what he was talking about. By the time I got everyone pointed in the right direction and left the town hall, there were only a couple of people wandering about. Then I figured it out. You need to plan which missions you want to do, queue them all up and run to the front of your garrison. There's a brief minute or two before they start heading out the garrison gate, but they do leave. It's actually kind of cool. Once they reach the boundary between your garrison and Shadowmoon, they disappear. I never see them come back, however. That would be neat, especially when they are bringing something back, like bags of gold. I have a Horde garrison and but haven't checked to watch those followers leave. It might take a bit of maneuvering, however, as the Horde garrison front gate is much closer to the fire, where a lot of them hang out."
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