"June is Adopt a Cat Month because it is, historically, the month where the most number of kittens are dropped off at shelters," writes submitter Gimmlette of Spectacular Death on Llane (US-A). "In a plug for your local animal shelter, if you are in the market for a cat or kitten (or any pet, really), go there. Adopt. Don't shop. Consider a black or senior cat, too. As the servant to a black cat, I can testify they are wonderful creatures, except when they wake you up before the alarm in the morning.
Speaking of black cats, you can run Ulduar, do the Auriaya fight and work on the achievement 'Nine Lives'. You have to kill the feral defender nine times in order to get the achievement which means, there will be a lot of little swarming guardians running around. I swear. I did not have the tuna sandwich for dinner."