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Submitter Gimmlette writes, "
Spectacular Death of Llane (US-A) has a bunch of people in various stages of the
legendary staff quest line. We're finding ourselves running Firelands a lot. That can lead to some 'what if' moments. 'What if we pulled Shannox into another bosses' area? Would it work?' After some discussion, we decided Baleroc is the likely choice because the other bosses have mechanics which would be impeded by having to fight Shannox. Voila! It does work. The only issue we had was half of the raid dying to the shadow damage produced by the
Shards of Torment. Still, with enough people, this is a fun way to clear a couple bosses and shave time off the run. Yes, we're happy to conduct such experiments. Next week, Shannox and Lord Rhyolith."
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