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WoWApr 20, 2015 1:00 pm CT

Patch 6.2: A new bonus roll currency is coming

Blackrock Foundry Iron Assembly

If you had hoped to get ahead of the game by stockpiling your Seals of Tempered Fate before World of Warcraft‘s next big raid goes live, you’re out of luck.  Players asked about the currency on Twitter and were told in no uncertain terms that your Seals of Tempered Fate won’t help you in Hellfire Citadel.

This isn’t exactly surprising; after all, Mists of Pandaria saw three different bonus roll currencies come and go over time, with a new currency coming around to coincide with each new raiding tier.  Considering that both Highmaul and Blackrock Foundry have used the Seals of Tempered Fate, it’s not exactly a shock that the new raid can’t just be farmed with the same bonus roll currency you could have been stacking up over the past several months, especially when Hellfire Citadel is a tier above Blackrock Foundry.

What does make this a little bit different from the previous changes is that the Seals of Tempered Fate are not gathered by simply doing a single weekly quest each week to gather Lesser Charms of Good Fortune; there are several means of getting the Seals of Tempered Fate, but each given approach only awards one each week.  One of the major draws of having a Dwarven Bunker or War Mill in your Garrison is getting one of your Seals for free each week, thus freeing you to spend fewer resources on your bonus roll weeklies.  It’s not immediately clear if that’s going to be changed to fit the new currency or if it’s going to remain as-is; it’s possible that the new currency will be tied into the new Shipyard missions, which would encourage players to use their shiny new boats but would make that Bunker/Mill just a little less important in your overall Garrison layout.

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