Tavern Brawl
The decks you need to get a high score in Hearthstone’s Storming Stormwind Tavern Brawl
What's the secret to a high score in the Hearthstone Storming Stormwind Tavern Brawl?
There’s something fishy about Hearthstone’s Send in the Murlocs Tavern Brawl
If you love Murloc decks in Hearthstone, you'll love this Tavern Brawl.
How to win The Great Dark Beyond Recipe Hearthstone Tavern Brawl
The decks you need to win the Hearthstone Great Dark Beyond Pre-Release Tavern Brawl
Try out the cards from the brand new The Great Dark Beyond expansion with the new Hearthstone Pre-Release Tavern Brawl.
Build a better Zombeast in the Rise of the Zombeasts Tavern Brawl
All right, you primitive screw-heads, listen up!
Hearthstone Progression Update improves Tavern Brawl rewards but reverts positive quest changes
About six months ago, we went through a rollercoaster with the Hearthstone team making some terrible changes to daily and weekly quests, but later salvaging the situation and ultimately landing into some very positive changes.
How to win Hearthstone’s Three Wishes Tavern Brawl, with a little help from Zephrys the Great
This week's Hearthstone Tavern Brawl focuses on a specific card: Zephrys the Great, a Legendary minion with an interesting Battlecry.
The decks you need to win Hearthstone’s Battle of Tol Barad Tavern Brawl
This week's Hearthstone Tavern Brawl takes us to the Battle of Tol Barad.
Revel in randomness and get ready to win Valeera’s Bag of Burgled Spells Hearthstone Tavern Brawl
Jesters, dreamers, and thieves are out this week in the Valeera’s Bag of Burgled Spells Tavern Brawl.
The decks you need to win the Clockwork Card Dealer – Standard Hearthstone Tavern Brawl
The robots take over in this week's Clockwork Card Dealer - Standard Hearthstone Tavern Brawl.