WoW’s May Trading Post as a slew of items old and new — including an adorably creepy doll

The springing of spring is basically sprung, and a new month means you May find something that interests you the World of Warcraft Trading Post! Visit Tawney and Wilder at the Mage District in Stormwind or the Zen’shiri Trading Post in Orgrimmar to peruse the latest new (and returning) items, collect your Trader’s Tender, or save any items you want to buy for the future. Here’s what you can get this month!
May Trading Post mounts
Three mounts are available to collectors this month starting with the return of the Royal Swarmer’s Reins for 800 Trader’s Tender followed by two new mounts, the Blazing Hippogryph also for 800 Trader’s Tender, and the Amber Skitterfly for 600 Trader’s Tender.
May Trading Post ensembles, arsenals, and transmogs
The Ensembles this month are a little underwhelming with the new Brick set and the returning Midnight set. The best item here is the returning Arsenal: Blades of Elune and I say that objectively, not as a Night Elf main.
- Arsenal: Blades of Elune — 600 Trader’s Tender
- Ensemble: Wanderer’s Brick Trappings — 100 Trader’s Tender
- Ensemble: Vagabond’s Brick Threads — 100 Trader’s Tender
- Ensemble: Wanderer’s Midnight Trappings — 100 Trader’s Tender
- Ensemble: Vagabond’s Midnight Threads — 100 Trader’s Tender
The individual transmog items this month alternate between edgy and dark or bright and floral. A lot of the armor items are the more basic, minimalist side from the regulars (Soiree gloves, Sarong, and Tabard) while the weapons have a bit more individual, seasonal flair to them.
- Sunny Floral Staff — 300 Trader’s Tender
- Sunny Bow-quet — 300 Trader’s Tender
- Lavish Floral Stalk — 300 Trader’s Tender
- Lavish Floral Edge — 300 Trader’s Tender
- Paradise’s Golden Axe — 300 Trader’s Tender
- Ebony Crowd of the Red Rose — 250 Trader’s Tender
- Valarjar Champion’s Sword — 200 Trader’s Tender
- Guise of the Golden Masquerade — 200 Trader’s Tender
- Classic Midnight Tabard — 100 Trader’s Tender
- Gloves of the Midnight Soiree — 100 Trader’s Tender
- Trader’s Brick Sarong — 100 Trader’s Tender
- Forsaken Cresset — 100 Trader’s Tender
- Dueler’s Midnight Shoulder Cape — 75 Trader’s Tender
- Dueler’s Brick Shoulder Cape — 75 Trader’s Tender
- Primeval Maul — 75 Trader’s Tender
- Leaky Bucket — 75 Trader’s Tender
- Lively Treads of the Kalu’ak — 50 Trader’s Tender
- Sin’dorei Assassin’s Shroud — 50 Trader’s Tender
- Highborne Scholar’s Gloves — 50 Trader’s Tender
May Trading Post pets
Two pets are available this month at the Trading Post. Buzzworth, a returning pet, for 600 Trader’s Tender and a Pokee, a new pet, for 400 Trader’s Tender.
May Trading Post bonus reward
The monthly bonus reward you can earn in May is the Wings of the Amber Monarch transmog for all of your back pieces. I’ll most likely do complete the Traveler’s Log objectives just for this transmog because the monarch butterfly migration in North America is something that I routinely follow with great interest.
If there’s nothing that grabs your attention, be sure to still do your Traveler’s Log objectives to pad your Tender reserves before the summer hits. Last summer, the Trading Post had extra items during June, July, and August and while we don’t know if we’re going to get the same situation this year it’s not worth taking the chance and being caught without sufficient funds, so stack those Tenders high!
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