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WoWJun 5, 2024 10:00 am CT

Hurry and snag this level one mount from the June Trading Post!

A character in Exile's Reach wearing level 1 gear and riding a turtle.

By now you’ve probably checked out the amazing new offerings from this month’s Trading Post in World of Warcraft, including a sweet hoverboard mount, and a beach chair toy which you can use (in conjunction with the Fishing Chair) to snag a few extra travel points, but don’t spend all your Tender until you check out this little guy.

The Riding Turtle listed in the shop for 700 Trader’s Tender might seem like a cute novelty item, especially once you hop aboard and realize he’s one of the slowest mounts in the game, but he’s got some features you won’t find in the tooltip. First of all, he’s rideable at level one, which means you can use him in Exile’s Reach or any other low-level starting area. This might not seem incredibly impressive by itself, since the Chauffeurred Chopper earned by acquiring 35 unique heirlooms is so much faster — that is, until you ride it into the water.

This is where the aquatic Riding Turtle really shines. With a swim speed comparable to that of an ottuk, those pesky underwater quests in Tirisfal and elsewhere will take no time at all, even if you can’t yet equip the Inflatable Mount Shoes you just mailed yourself.

If you’ve already spent your Tender for the month, don’t panic. There are a few options from past expansions, though doing enough fishing to snag either a Riding Turtle or Sea Turtle is a pretty significant undertaking. You may already have picked up one of a few similar mounts in the Trading Post, such as the Savage Green Battle Turtle or the similar blue version, both of which have the added bonus of being armed to the teeth. These seem to come around once or twice a year, so if you missed out this month, keep your eyes peeled for another of these level one turtle mounts in the future. (Perhaps the Savage Ebony Battle Turtle which has already been spotted in the mount collections tab will show up soon?)

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