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WoW > WoW RemixJun 10, 2024 6:00 pm CT

Mists of Pandaria mounts can only be bought during WoW Remix

One of the most persistent and important questions in all of World of Warcraft history remains at the forefront of player’s minds in the latest limited mode WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria — do mounts drop from enemy mobs or enemies? The answer is no, they don’t drop from enemiesWorld of Warcraft community manager Kaivax clarified that if you want to get a specific Mists of Pandaria mount, you need to buy it with bronze from Hemet Nesingwary XVII at an Infinite Bazaar during the course of the event.

You can get to your nearest Infinite Bazaar by using Nostwin’s Voucher or by travelling with a mount. Keep in mind that even though Infinite Bazaars are in each Pandaren zone, you can find only Hemet Nesingwary one of these specific locations:

  • Jade Forest — Tian Monastery
  • Valley of the Four Winds — Halfhill Market
  • Kun-Lai Summit — Temple of the White Tiger
  • Townlong Steppes — Nuizao Temple
  • Vale of Eternal Blossoms — Shrine of Seven Stars

There are a total of 32 mounts you can get during WoW Remix with some of them being original, rare Mists of Pandaria mounts and some of them being new designs just for the event. Of the 32 mounts available, 30 of them are purchasable with Bronze and 2 are earned from completing achievements during the event:

Achievement mounts

Purchasable WoW Remix mounts and their costs

WoW Remix runs until August 19 so you have until then to collect as many of these mounts as you want.

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