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The War Within > Warcraft > WoWJul 23, 2024 3:00 pm CT

New map icons in WoW are a welcome sight

With The War Within patch 11.0.1 many new quality of life updates are rolling out, but one in particular caught our eye: even more custom quest map markers! Instead of a sea of mostly yellow quest icons flooding your map, you will now see more custom colors and shapes to help you find what you’re looking for. And better yet, you can filter those quest icons to just show exactly what you want to see.

But that’s not all. There are additional icons added to travel points, major quest hubs, and the new open world solo delves content.

What are the new map icons in WoW?

Here’s a list of all the icons you will now see on your map:


  • Campaign — Quests that continue the main story.
  • Important — Quests that unlock important features and rewards, or teach you about major mechanics.
  • Legendary — Quests that give legendary rewards.
  • Meta — Time gated quests that give valuable end game rewards. These quests are typically repeatable, such as daily quests.
  • Local Story — Quests that explore local cultures and side adventures.
  • In Progress — Quests that are currently in progress.
  • Turn In — Quests that are ready to be turned in.

Limited Time Activities

  • World Quest — Open world activities that give varying rewards.
  • World Boss — A difficult open world boss that drops valuable loot, intended for large groups of players.
  • Bonus Objective — Bonus open world activities that give EXP and varying amounts of rewards.
  • Event — Various patch specific activities that provide valuable rewards.
  • Rare — A special creature that provides various rewards.
  • Rare Elite — A rare special creature that has a chance of dropping valuable loot.


  • Dungeon — Content designed for a party of five adventurers, and provides loot.
  • Raid — Challenging content that is intended for large groups of players, and provides valuable loot.
  • Hub — A central location with NPCs, activities, and available quests.
  • Digsite — An archeology location where you can dig for artefacts.
  • Pet Battle — Challenge NPCs to pet battles.


  • Teleport Point — Teleports you to a different region.
  • Cave Entrance — The entrance to a cave or different zone.
  • Flightpoint — Transport you to a different area in the same region.

Tracking options on the main map

If you want to further customize your map, you can always go to the top corner of the main map and click on the filter button — it looks a bit like an upside down pyramid. Clicking on this opens a drop-down menu showing the options for which elements you want to display on the main map.

Note the addition of Warband Completed Quests on the list. Certain quests can only be completed once per account for experience so the default on the map is not to display these quests. If you want to be able to see these on the world map after you’ve completed them so alts can play through those quests (without the exp reward) then you will need to turn this back on.

New iconography on quest log

The same iconography overhaul is also mirrored in the quest log and and this is where the new quest status icons shine. You can now see what quests you need to start and which ones are in progress that you might have forgotten about. Not that we’ve ever forgotten about an in-progress quest…

Sometimes it’s the small quality of life changes that make a big impact and this feels like one of those. As the game has expanded its activities, the map iconography slowly grew as well, but this larger overhaul was much needed.

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