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The War Within > Transmog > WoWAug 13, 2024 8:00 am CT

The War Within beta is a transmog paradise, but the live game will have to wait a little longer

With the introduction of Warbands, players on The War Within beta began to notice that previously finished quests were giving all of the transmog options that were available to every class. This was quite the boon for avid transmog collectors (like us), and it was shouted as a huge win, with much positive chatter within the community. Sadly, it appears that this extra transmog was not intentional, so players won’t be seeing this when the expansion goes live next week. But never fear, because these changes (and more) will be making their way to the live game… eventually.

Kaivax tells us good changes are on the way for transmog fans — you can read the whole post on the official forums, but here’s a summary of the changes Blizzard is working on:

  • Any character will be able to collect non-cosmetic class-restricted gear (tier sets), even when playing on a class that can’t usually get them. This will be retroactive for any gear in your inventory or bank.
  • When you complete a quest, you will be able to unlock all appearances from non-cosmetic rewards, no matter what armor type. This change will be retroactive, so any quests that you’ve previously completed should give you all appearances when you log onto that character.

These changes are planned for after The War Within launch, so while these changes won’t be in game immediately, they’re coming soon.

It’s a bit of a shame that it will only apply to characters you can currently sign in on, when it seems like in beta it applied to any quest you had completed on your account (likely where the non-intentional interaction came from). Unfortunately for me, my Rogue and Paladin from Burning Crusade are lost in the Twisting Nether, deleted so long ago that they don’t appear to be reclaimable, so I’ll certainly miss some items there even with these changes.

While a bit disappointing to hear now, it’s great to know that the developers are actively listening to the community feedback regarding transmog and their interaction with Warbands! If the interactions between the development team and the community are anything to go by, The War Within and the saga it begins will make a lot of players quite content with the constant stream of changes coming down the pipeline.

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