How to find your Skyriding talents in World of Warcraft: The War Within

In World of Warcraft: Dragonflight, we got used to accessing our Dragonriding — now Skyriding — talents from an easy-to-spot button on the minimap, where we also found our reputation panes for all of the expansion’s factions. Now that The War Within has launched, the familiar draconic emblem has been replaced with one more befitting the current expansion. This opens the new reputation pane, but where have all our talents gone?
Fortunately they’re still easy to access, but they’re in your Mounts pane now. To find them, open Collections using the horseshoe button at the bottom of your screen, or press Shift+C. Select the Mounts tab and click on the new Skyriding button at the top of your screen and you will see two options: Skills and Unlocks, and Switch Flight Style. Click the top one and the Skyriding talents pane will open. The latter can be dragged onto your bars to swap between Skyriding and Steady flight styles. (Don’t put it in your Skyriding bar, or it will vanish once you use it!)
Here you will find some changes from the old Dragonflight talent set. There are fewer options, and some of the choice nodes have disappeared. (If you are high enough level, these may have been unlocked for you already.) On the right-hand side are two new choice nodes you should be aware of.:
- The first is Ride Along. Once enabled and disabled only by speaking to an obscure NPC in Valdrakken, you can now toggle this from anywhere, allowing one player in your group to transform into a whelpling and fly alongside you. Note that this ability is not available for all Skyriding mounts.
- The second new toggle is a choice node which selects between Whirling Surge and a new ability called Lightning Rush.
- Whirling Surge costs three Vigor charges and will get you going fast from a cold start. It can also dismount enemy players in War Mode.
- Lightning Rush costs no Vigor, but to use it you will first have to generate ten stacks of Static Charge, which you can do by flying close to buildings and cave walls, etc. Lightning Rush will boost your speed considerably for five seconds, but you’ll be unable to turn more than a few degrees until the duration ends.
Be aware that you after swapping between Whirling Surge and Lightning Rush, may need to dismount and summon your mount again before the change will take effect.
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