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The War Within > WoWSep 3, 2024 2:00 pm CT

Make your professions work for you with Patron Crafting Orders

When Blizzard revamped the professions system in Dragonflight, one of the things they added was a means to directly request crafting services from other players, even for soulbound items, in the form of Crafting Orders. It was billed as an opportunity for crafters to use their skills more conveniently and to earn gold from commissions safely. This was all well and good, but anyone who tried to actually fill these orders immediately saw that public orders were very thin on the ground. Well, in The War Within, they’re trying to rectify that with the addition of Patron Crafting Orders, also known as NPC Crafting Orders.

As their name implies, these are crafting orders put up on the market by NPCs that players can fill at their leisure. To get started, you just need to go to your crafting profession’s workbench, select the Crafting Orders tab at the bottom of the window, and then select the Patron tab at the top. You’ll be shown a list of items that various NPCs are requesting, one that refills over time. Each requested item has a minimum quality that you need to achieve in order for it to be accepted, so be ready to make use of the new Concentration button to guarantee a result of the next rank up if you need it. Don’t worry if you can’t fill an order immediately; the list you see is just for you, and no other crafters out there can snipe your commissions.

Why complete Patron Crafting Orders? Because you get paid! In addition to a commission of gold, each order has a small treasure chest icon that you can hover over to reveal additional rewards. These include satchels of miscellaneous crafting materials, Artisan’s Acuity, augment runes, and finishing reagents that increase your effective skill for a single craft. Most tantalizing, though, are the rewards which grant profession knowledge. Patron work orders are poised to become one of the primary sources of profession knowledge this expansion, so it’ll behoove you to pursue them early and often.

But before you go rushing in to fill orders, make sure you’re prepared. Kala Clayhoof, over in the Crafter’s Enclave in Dornogal, offers a weekly quest for all crafting professions (except, oddly, for Enchanting) to fill crafting orders, and Patron orders do count towards this. You don’t want to pick off all of the easy orders from the list and only then remember that you could have been double-dipping on those sweet, sweet rewards. Now go out and craft some things!

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