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The War Within > WoWSep 5, 2024 8:00 am CT

How to complete Worldsoul Memories in The War Within

Worldsoul Memories are new zone events introduced in World of Warcraft: The War Within that can happen in each Khaz Algar zone. Worldsoul Memories are similar to the Radiant Echoes pre-patch event but occur independent of each zone’s intrinsic event and are part of the loot feedback loop involving Delves and some of the other activities in The War Within.

Here’s where you can find Worldsoul Memories, how to complete them, and what you get as a reward!

Where to find Worldsoul Memories

Worldsoul Memories appear on your in-game map as the same blue-yellow circle marker from the pre-patch event, letting you know which zone has an active Worldsoul Memory. In order to see Worldsoul Memories you need to have at least one Radiant Echo item in your inventory, which drop from Bountiful Coffers earned after completing Bountiful Delves. If you don’t have any Echoes, you won’t be able to see which zone is active.

Mousing over this marker tells you how long the Worldsoul Memory will be active in its current zone and gives you a brief description of the type of Memory that is active, hinting at the type of enemies you’ll face. Each Worldsoul Memory will last for 24 hours, and at daily reset it will end and re-appear in a different zone. Depending on the zone, there may be one Worldsoul Memory active or multiple at the same time.

How to complete Worldsoul Memories

Once you have a Radiant Echo, travel to the location indicated on your map and you’ll find a shimmering blue-yellow orb surrounding by semi-transparent NPCs and environment pieces. Interact with the orb to bring up a UI menu with difficulty options and rewards you can choose based on how many Radiant Echoes you have:

  • Radiant Echo — Costs 1 Radiant Echo, rewards Valorstones and Coffer Key Shards.
  • Many Radiant Echoes — Costs 5 Radiant Echoes, rewards 5 times the amount of Valorstones and Coffer Key Shards.
  • Radiant Discord — Costs 5 Radiant Echoes, rewards 5 times the amount of Valorstones and Coffer Key Shards but dying ends the event for you unless you deposit 5 more Radiant Echoes.

Once you choose your difficulty, a Worldsoul Memory Score counter appear at the top of your screen, and a 5 minute timer starts with your objectives:

  1. First objective: Kill as many hostile mobs as possible within the time limit.
  2. Second objective: Kill the Elite boss. The bosses rotate based on the zone you’re in and appear around the 1:30 mark.
  3. Third objective — Soothe The Worldsoul. Kill as many hostile mobs as you can before the timer ends.
  4. Optional objective: Kill the Treasure Elemental. This NPC won’t fight you and will run away from you and towards other mobs and killing it earns you extra rewards.

Killing the enemies and boss adds to your score which will determine how many Valorstones and Coffer Key Shards you’ll earn. These currencies are the main rewards of the event and once the event ends, you can start another Worldsoul Memory as long as you have Radiant Echoes to spend.

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