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The War Within > WoWSep 6, 2024 8:00 am CT

Where to find portals to Orgrimmar and Stormwind in Dornogal

With the release of The War Within, we have been introduced to the Earthen capital city of Dornagol. This new city comes with new locations for many commonly used places, which has left a lot of us to ask, “Just where the heck is [location] anyhow!?” It’s my hope that I can help alleviate this issue somewhat by at least letting you know where to find the portals to Stormwind and Orgrimmar, and how to unlock them. Still lost? Christian has got you covered. For now, here’s how to get back to Stormwind or Orgrimmar from Khaz Algar.

Getting to Orgrimmar and Stormwind. Early on in the Isle of Dorn campaign you will come across a quest named Stones of Dornagol which has Councilward Merrix asking you to speak with citizens of Dornagol with his blessing. At the end of this quest you will head to the north of the city to a place called the Foundation Hall; it’s in here where you’ll find not only the portals to Orgrimmar (on the left) and Stormwind (on the right), but also Auditor Balwurz who is the Renown Quartermaster for the Council of Dornogal.

Getting back to Dornogal. Portals to Dornogal are located in fairly odd locations in their respective cities. Within Orgrimmar, the portal to Dornogal is located in the basement of the Portal room. In Stormwind, you’ll find the portal to Dornagol is located in the expanded section of the portal room, up the stairs in the middle of the main portal room, down a hallway, and to the right.

Why Blizzard made the decision to place the current expansion portals in the offshoot rooms instead of in the main portal room locations are anyone’s guess, as both cities have portals that could have easily been relocated to the adjoining rooms to keep the current expansion portals all in one place. Perhaps the thought is that most people will bind their hearthstone to the new capital city, so it doesn’t matter. In either case, this is where the portals are currently located — and should they be moved, we’ll be sure to update this post.

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Filed Under: Dornogal, Portal Rooms

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