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What are Azj-Kahet Rumors in World of Warcraft: The War Within?

Rumors are mini-quests in World of Warcraft: The War Within exclusive to the Azj-Kahet zone. They’re only obtainable in the post-Azj-Kahet zone story campaign after completing the initial Azj-Kahet zone story and unlocking the Severed Threads faction, one of the new Renown factions on Khaz Algar.

The Severed Threads function a bit differently than the other Renown factions, and Rumors play a part in working with them (and increasing your renown), so here’s what you need to know about acquiring and completing Rumors in Azj-Kahet.

The basics of Rumors

Even though the Severed Threads is the overarching Renown faction in Azj-Kahet, it’s broken down into three sub-factions, one for each of the Severed Threads leaders: The General, The Weaver, and the Vizier. After completing the zone story, you’ll need to pledge allegiance to one of these leaders to open world quests and activities in Azj-Kahet, including Rumors. Once you declare, your Warband will be tied to that leader for the week and reputation you earn will be applied directly to that leader and the Severed Threads as a whole.

Despite your allegiance, you can complete Rumors on behalf of any Severed Threads leader. While Rumors don’t directly reward you with Severed Threads reputation or reputation with your aligned leader, they contribute towards your weekly pact quest that rewards you a large amount of reputation with your chosen Severed Threads leader.

How to start and complete Rumors

Each Rumor costs 25 Kej, the Nerubian-specific currency mainly used in Azj-Kahet, and can be bought from the following vendors in the Weaver’s Lair:

Interacting with the Rumor in your inventory causes a purple spider icon to appear on your Azj-Kahet zone map directing you where you need to go. The icons also have a timer that let you know how long the Rumor will remain active. At the icon’s spot on the map will be a Rumor Broker, a Nerubian agent allied with the specific sub-faction you acquired your Rumor from, or one randomly chosen if you bought one from Yamas:

The Rumor Broker will then assign you a task includes gathering items, retrieving a specific piece of loot, killing something, testing experimental alchemical concoctions on unsuspecting Nerubians, among other objectives. You can hold a maximum of 6 Rumors in your inventory at a time and you can only complete 6 total Rumors per day. They can be split between each sub-faction or they can all come from one.

If you’ve completed 2 but have 4 active and try to pop another Rumor, you’ll receive a notification that you’ve reached the max allowed. If you complete 6 and have another 6 in your inventory and then try to activate one, you’ll also receive the same message. Rumors clear at the daily reset allowing you to pick up and complete more.

Rewards you can earn from Rumors

Rewards from Rumors are universal despite your allegiance and completing them nets you 50 Kej, 5 Valorstones, gold, and 10% completion towards your weekly pact quest.

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