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Hide From Homepage > Overwatch 2Oct 2, 2024 3:26 pm CT

When does Overwatch 2 Summer Games event start for 2025?

Time to slather on the sunscreen, because Overwatch 2 will be heating up for the Summer Games event. Last year we only got two weeks of fun in the sun, so it’s tough to predict exactly what’s in store for 2025. Season 17 will likely be kicking off in early July, and bringing a special event close to the beginning of a new season could help keep players jazzed about whatever new content the game debuts. In the spirit of optimism, I’m hoping that we’ll be back to the usual three-week time window and Summer Games will run from July 8 through July 29.

With no real-world Olympic Games to pair it with this time around, I’m guessing that the cosmetics will be trending less athletic and more beach-y. Personally, I would like all the heroes to get the Baywatch treatment. Because whoever your main is, we should all get the joy of snickering at the iconic slow-mo run when we’re awarded play of the game. It also feels like some of the newer additions to the hero roster are sorely lacking in sweet new cosmetics. Turn Juno’s space helmet into snorkeling gear! Have Venture styled for going underwater, not just underground! Give solar-powered Illari some slick aviator shades!

But I’d also be excited to see something fresh in the Arcade this year. Lucioball has been around from the beginning, and it was great to have an additional option when Winston’s Beach Volleyball debuted in 2023, so maybe this year will see a new sport getting the Overwatch treatment. I mentioned Venture already, and their mobility seems like prime fodder for an athletic showdown. Ditto Mauga; maybe he could star in some kind of beach obstacle course race. I would also be into a golf-style game where Soldier 76 has to use his rockets to propel a ball to a target. Fore!

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