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Video GamesOct 25, 2024 3:00 pm CT

The best games to play this weekend (instead of buying a $90 Warcraft mount)

Hello and happy Friday, Watchers! While Blizzard is out here hoping that you’ll spend $90 on that new brutosaur mount, I’m going to offer you something else to spend just about the same amount of money on. Will these titles let you access the auction house remotely? Not at all, but they’ll certainly bring you something fun to do whenever we are stuck with maintenance.


TLDR – Remake Sonic title with new characters and story

Sonic Generations was considered one of the better Sonic titles to come out in “recent” times, but it graced us with its presence in 2011. SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS is a remake of that title, adding in edgey Shadow the Hedgehog as a new playable character with his own story and power ups. Featuring both 2D and 3D levels inspired by previous titles, you can play as classic Sonic, modern Sonic, or Shadow to defeat Dr. Eggman, his past self, and the mysterious Time Eater.

Get SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS for $50 on PC at Steam, Xbox, PlayStation or Nintendo Switch.

Release of the Week 2: Wayfinder

TLDR – Action RPG with an open world, previously an MMO, now single player or co-op

Wayfinder may be a title you recognize; originally released with the help of Digital Extremes (Warframe), the MMO had an extremely rough launch. Instead of ending the game when Digital Extremes pulled out, the Wayfinder team decided to turn it into a co-op action RPG so that it could live on. Pick one of eight characters, travel the world, kill enemies, collect loot, and fill your housing with trophies. Add modifiers to dungeon runs to change the challenges, areas, materials and bosses you encounter. Better yet, drop in and out of co-op with your friends.

Get Wayfinder for $22.50 on PC at Steam.

Deal of the Week: Middle-earth: The Shadow Bundle

TLDR – Alternate universe take on Lord of the Rings history, neat nemesis system

Shadow of Mordor and its sequel, Shadow of War, are two of the coolest Lord of the Ring titles I’ve ever played. You play as Talion, a Gondorian Ranger, who is captured alongside his family by the Sauron’s Black Númenorean forces and ritually sacrificed; however Talion ends up getting his soul merged with the wraith of Celebrimbor, and now you seek revenge. Based loosely on Tolkien’s legendarium, the Shadow games have combat influenced by the Batman: Arkham titles, while the Orcs run on the “Nemesis” system; each Orc has fears the game generates, and depending on how they are fought, they can gain scars and move amongst the ranks, leveling up much as Talion does.

Get Middle-earth: The Shadow Bundle for $7 on PC at Steam.

Deal of the Week 2: Fights in Tight Spaces

TLDR – Turn-based, deck-building action title

Fights in Tight Spaces is a turn-based action title where you play as a spy working for the espionage agency Section Eleven. While the game world itself is made up of whites and greys, your agent is a fancy black suited silhouette (think Bond, or John Wick), and the enemies are colored silhouettes, giving the game tons of style points. Like many of the recent deck-builder titles over the last few years, you can customize your deck to your playstyle, encounter random events, and upgrade your agent as the game goes on.

Get Fights in Tight Spaces for $12.50 on PC at Steam.

Now tell us, Watchers — what are you playing this weekend?

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