How to get the four new mounts available on Siren Isle
Our upcoming foray to the Siren Isle in patch 11.0.7 will bring four new trusty steeds to the game, the perfect companions to well-rounded adventurers setting out for the new zone when it launches next week. The isle itself was a fairly standard Azerite mining operation run by the Kul Tirans during the Fourth War, but a recent pulse of energy has attracted the attention of the Earthen, Hallowfall Arathi, and Goblins — and that’s where we come in. We’ll be restricted from flying on the island, at least at first, but there will be plenty of opportunities for grappling and gliding.
There’s a treasure trove of collectibles to earn from completing all of the excavations and activities on Siren Isle, but the mounts may be the reward I’m most looking forward to acquiring. Each one is earned in a slightly different way, but none of them are going to be a cakewalk. Let’s take a look at what sort of adventuring will be required to add all four to your stable.
Starving Snapdragon Runt: I’m always partial to mounts that your character befriends early in their development when they were just a wee sprout (or smaller). You can find a Starving Snapdragon Runt on the shoreline of the northeast part of Siren Isle. By returning each day for ten days, you can bring the hungry beast some chow and earn its trust until it finally becomes loyal enough to join your menagerie of mounts.
The coolest part about the snapdragon is its prismatic abilities. It’s a color-changer! By feeding it different treats, you can change the color that it will be when you summon it. Each time you call upon it, you’ll see that same shade until you feed it a different color treat. I’m going to start this one on day one, and add this handsome fellow to my favorite mount list for sure. I think I like the red color scheme the best, but maybe I’ll keep changing it to reflect my mood.
Thrayir, Eyes of the Storm: You’ll need to do some collecting for Thrayir, a lightning-infused stormcrow with nifty shoulderpads. On the northern part of the island lies the Forgotten Vault, and inside you can find the corpse of Thrayir surrounded by five runestones. Each one has a key, and these keys are acquired from treasures and mobs around the island. Eventually you’ll find all five and be able to bring back this thunderbird from the grave to join your crew.
Vintage Waveshredder: You can purchase a Vintage Waveshredder from a goblin named Soweezi whose wares include many beach-themed transmogs and toys. The cost is 10,000 Flame-Blessed Iron, the new currency we’ll be collecting on Siren Isle. This mount is a recolor of a previous month’s Trading Post mount, and another one has already been datamined for a future Trading Post month, so this flying surfboard is on my “eventually” list.
The Breaker’s Song: The final goal on your island mount-collecting trip is The Breaker’s Song, a subdued remodel of The Dreadwake from the Trading Post. You’ll need to complete the zone-wide meta achievement Isle Remember You, which doesn’t look prohibitively time-consuming but still does involve completing basically every task on the island. It requires that you find all the rare mobs, unlock your Cyrce’s Circlet to its full potential, open a hoard of treasure chests, complete all of the weekly quests, and contribute to all three excavation projects.
We’ll be on Siren Isle for just about two months before patch 11.1 rolls out, so you should have time to make some good progress towards earning these rewards. Then it’s time to break out the mole machine and dive into Undermine. Which one of these mounts are you most looking forward to riding into the goblin capital?
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