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WoW ClassicJan 6, 2025 8:00 am CT

Get all of the WoW Classic Season of Discovery toys from a new vendor added in Phase 6, with more to come in Phase 7

In WoW Classic Season of Discovery Phase 6 , there’s a new vendor in Booty Bay: Bubbles, who sells all of the toys that have been added in each Season of Discovery phase so far. Most of these toys are purely for fun by adding to, or changing, your appearance for a short period of time. Some of them do some other wacky effect, like randomly killing a member of your group. Bubbles has set up shop in the Old Port Authority building (28, 75) in Booty Bay, Stranglethorn Vale and you can buy any of the toys she sells with Tarnished Undermine Real which can be obtained from defeating different dungeons bosses.

Here’s everything you can buy from Bubbles:

Bubbles’ inventory as of Phase 6

25 Tarnished Undermine Real

35 Tarnished Undermine Real

50 Tarnished Undermine Real

75 Tarnished Undermine Real

Other items for sale

Bubbles sells two items that you can’t buy with Tarnished Undermine Real:

The Orb of Deception is a drop from the new final boss of Molten Core and can also be a random reward for killing world bosses, rare elites in dungeons and raids, or other raid bosses. You can buy 5 Noggenfogger Elixirs for 35 silver per stack from Marin Noggenfogger who is next to the Auction House in Gadgetzan, Tanaris (51, 28).

Toys that might be coming in Phase 7

It looks like Bubbles will get some new toys added to her inventory in Phase 7, thanks to some datamining that was done during Phase 7 PTR testing. These items could be added at with Phase 7, or could come some time after Phase 7 releases just like the Rune Brokers were:

These items could be added once Phase 7 is released, or sometime after just like the Rune Brokers were in Phase 6, or they could just not be added at all. There is also the chance that these aren’t the only toys being added to Bubbles’ inventory in Phase 7 and beyond. We won’t know until it releases but once we know, we’ll keep you informed!

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