We bring you just One More Try in this week’s gaming post
We’re in the second week of 2025 and unfortunately we’re still in the doldrums of new gaming releases, but fear not! If there are only a few things you can trust in life, know that they’re death, taxes, and I’ll (most likely) continue to bring you video games every week. This week, we’re going to talk about a few games that make you say, “Just one more turn!” Some of these are newer, some are older, but they’re favorites of mine that could use more love — and I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
Become a witch in roguelike: Noita
Noita sees you playing as a witch, entering into a cave to defeat creatures based on Finnish mythology; but perhaps the most interesting thing in Noita is that every single pixel can be interacted with. Many times in gaming we will hear buzzphrases like, “See that mountain? You can go there!” but rarely do we ever feel fulfilled by such events — but in Noita, the three person dev team at Nolla Games wrote an entire engine specifically to make every pixel interact. Start fires, flood chambers, cause sandslides, mix acid and water to create explosions; all of these are possible and probable outcomes as you journey further and further into the depths. Additionally, you build your own magic as you go, crafting spells that can be just as dangerous to you as the enemies nearby.
Get Noita for $20 on Steam.
Hijack enemy ships and save your crew in roguelike: Heat Signature
My love for Tom Francis is pretty well known — after all, I gushed about Tactical Breach Wizards previously — but Heat Signature was the first game of his that I played and fell in love with. You start as a randomly generated character (you can swap between a few at the start) and are given a mission with some randomly generated backstory. Usually you will end up hopping into a ship, flying across space, docking with an enemy ship (be it pirates, police, mercenaries, etc.) and then you’ll either break someone out, eliminate all witnesses, or steal the ship. Slowly you’ll begin to take parts of the galaxy over, all while becoming more and more powerful, but one wrong move and you’ll be back at square one with a new character.
Get Heat Signature for $15 on Steam.
Play inventory JENGA and escape the dungeon in roguelike: Backpack Hero
Last week I suggested you pick up Backpack Hero in a side note, and this week I’m going to expand on that a bit. Anyone who played the old Resident Evil titles will remember inventory JENGA: you only had so much inventory space, and thus you were forced to move stuff around to try and fit in everything that you could before you would inevitably have to decide between a green herb and another box of ammo. Well, Backpack Hero takes that gameplay loop and makes it so that your inventory design determines your attacks and defense. Set up some bows so they charge up attacks, grab boots that give you powerful buffs but only if they’re at the bottom of your inventory, and so much more. With multiple characters to pick from with their own unique play-styles (and two still waiting to be added into the game) there’s a lot to chew on here!
Get Backpack Hero (and last week’s choice Asterigos: Curse of the Stars) for $15 on Fanatical for Steam.
Dodge fireballs and earn gold while escaping the dungeon in roguelike: Tiny Rogues
Traditionally I don’t cover many Early Access titles on here because there’s always the risk that the game never releases in full. That said, I want to shout out to Tiny Rogues for being an Early Access title that I have had a ton of fun with, to the point where if this were all we got, I’d be happy with it. A mix between your standard dungeon crawler and a bullet shooter, Tiny Rogues has you pick a class (of which there are fifteen, you need to unlock most of them) and begin your run. Sometimes you’ll luck out and get an item like the V.B.F.G. +1 (a weapon that carried me to my first victory), but other times you’ll end up with the tiniest pea shooter and you just need to make due. Each class has a different play-style, so there’s surely something for everyone.
Get Tiny Rogues for $10 on Steam.
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