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The War Within > WoWFeb 4, 2025 3:00 pm CT

The nine coolest toys from The War Within Season 1 and how to find them

Toys are an often-overlooked collectible in World of Warcraft that can give your guildmates a chuckle or spice up a mundane farming session. Many of the toys I have acquired over the years have gone straight to the Toy Box tab, never to be seen or used again. Some are on my list of favorites — ones that I’ll use in specific situations or when I’m waiting on an elevator. Then there are the ones that merit a spot on my hotkeys. I always have my Silver-Plated Turkey Shooter ready to use on someone in a pug group that is being a jerk.

The War Within has already added nearly fifty toys to collect. While a lot of them will probably collect dust in the bottom of the chest, there were a handful that stood out. Here are nine that I am the most tickled by, along with details on how take each one home.

Go AFK in style

The Arathi Book Collection summons a fancy reading desk that wouldn’t look out of place in Mereldar. You get a pot of scrolls, a burning candle, and an intimidating chair to sit and peruse your tomes. The effect lasts until you cancel it by moving. Because this is usable anywhere and has just a 30-second cooldown, I find myself conjuring my mobile research station all the time.

Why browse your achievements while your character stands still and stares blankly into space, when you can give them the appearance of being absorbed in the latest page-turner? This is also perfect for those times when your raiding group is ready to go, but you’re waiting on that one person who never comes back from a break on time.

You’ll need to do some reading of your own before you can take this desk on the go. Ryfus Sacrepyr hangs out in the church of the Sacred Flame in Mereldar, and he awards the toy for completing a pop quiz about the history of the zone. He doesn’t allow guessing, so you’ll need to actually interact with six of the books scattered around Hallowfall from the Biblio Archivist achievement to unlock the correct answer dialogue options.

When I’m going AFK but I don’t want to appear too scholarly, I’ll conjure up Soweezi’s Comfy Lawn Chair. You can use it outside or inside, but you’re not allowed to pop it out in dungeons or raids. There’s just something about the leaned-back angle and relaxed posture that makes me feel like I’m giving my characters a much-needed moment of rest. It only lasts for two minutes, but with a two-minute cooldown, you can perpetually pop into this lounger for as long as your heart desires.

Change up your look

One of my favorite categories of WoW toys is the type that transforms your character for a brief time, especially if you can stay transformed and actually play the game. It just adds a little extra flavor to run through Icecrown Citadel for the 131st time as a vrykul instead of the same old blood elf. I don’t use my Manastorm Duplicator on cooldown, but I do enjoy taking on Millhouse’s appearance more often than most other players.  The War Within has added a number of cool appearance-altering toys.

You can enjoy a half hour in the shoes (flippers?) of a kobyss with the Illusive Kobyss Lure. There’s a few different appearances, but they’re all very murloc-ish and terrifying. You’ll need to collect four items from the kobyss that inhabit different parts of Hallowfall, but the drop rates aren’t bad at all. With a one-hour cooldown, you can now spend fully half of your time in-game as a horrible creature from below.

A toy that turns yourself into a spider was not on the top of my collecting priority list at the beginning of the expansion, given that we were already going to be spending so much time in the vicinity of NPCs with at least twice as many legs as I’m comfortable with. However, the Arachnoserum has really grown on me. It’s available from the Severed Threads quartermaster at renown 17 for 1,750 Kej, and it transforms you into a random spider model. I immediately cancelled the first few times I applied this toy and got turned into a spindly-legged terror. Last week, though, I cleared Ulduar as a tiny adorable jumping spider with a crossbow and a mean streak, and it was as awesome as it sounds.

For just 500 Undercoin, the Pileus Delight will give you the appearance of a randomly colored fungarian for ten minutes. My favorite part about this one is how angry you look when transformed into a muscular mushroom person. I like to don this look when I’m at the auction house, enraged at the cost of Bismuth.

Just have some fun

If you prefer to keep your own appearance but be carried around by a hulking shirtless kobold, then you can pick up the Candleflexer’s Dumbbell at renown level 18 with the Assembly of the Deeps for 5,000 Resonance Crystals. You can only use this toy outside, but it still makes my list because of the hilarious absurdity of being manhandled by Lil Wick. Just don’t go crazy on requesting that they assist you in communing with Azeroth too many times in a row, because all of that face-to-ground smashing can and will kill you.

Perhaps you’ve been wondering how players are summoning enormous globes of water outside the bank of Dornogal. You, too, can create a floating spherical swimming pool with the Abyss Caller Horn. Another of Sir Finley Mrrglton’s treasures available for 500 Undercoin, this blob of liquid last for a few minutes during which players can jump in and swim around. I’d like this a little more if you could use it in instances, but I suppose that would lead to plenty of game-breaking shortcuts through Mythic dungeons.

Sometimes a toy is useful only in very narrow situations. I nearly dismissed the Hallowfall Supply Cache and Awakened Supply Crate as irrelevant to my interests, since all they they do is give your character a small item to hold such as a gem, compass, or lantern. Then it occurred to me that there’s only so many emotes that you can make your character emote before all of your screenshots start to look the same. These crates are perfect for adding a little extra flair to your in-game photography, and you can pick them up from the Siren Isle vendors for just 750 Flame-Blessed Iron.

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