Overwatch 2 Season 15 release date: The latest season is now live with perks, loot boxes, and more

Overwatch 2 Season 15 started on February 18 and is now live, and it adds quite few new features in what Blizzard lauded as “groundbreaking PVP gameplay changes.” In addition to the usual we can expect from every new seasonal rollover — a new Battle Pass packed with loot on both the free and premium tracks, new offerings in the Shop including some adorable Rainy Day skins — Season 15 is bringing a few new twists to gameplay. Here’s what you can expect from Season 15:
No new heroes or maps. To rip off the band-aid, no, there are no new heroes or maps this season (sorry, Freja won’t arrive until Season 16).
New Galactic weapons. you can now use your Competitive mode currency to purchase new Galactic weapons. You may have to work to earn them, because this season is seeing a soft rank reset in Competitive mode. Have fun climbing the ladder!
Perks let you customize your skills. The new big feature in season 15 is a gameplay twist called Perks. Every Hero will get to select between two minor Perks and two major Perks during matches, which will help turn the tide of battle. In a gameplay preview, Blizzard showcased a Perk choice for Pharah where she chose to have her Concussive Blast act like Zarya’s Graviton Surge, so rather than flinging everyone away, they were grouped into a little cluster primed for a big Barrage. We’d encourage you to spend a little time on the Practice Range before jumping into a match, simply because there’s going to be so much variation at play now, from every single one of the Heroes.
New limited-time events. As season 15 kicks off, there’s a limited-time event intended to promote these new Perks as well. As always, you can earn these rewards just by playing, but as long-time Overwatch fans, we’ll definitely be trying out the GOATS meta Overwatch Classic mode when that pops up in the Arcade.
Loot boxes are back. (Yay?) e can’t quite believe we’re saying this, but loot boxes are making a return. They’re showing up in both the Perks event as a reward, but also on the Battle Pass on both the free and premium tracks.
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