Eric O'Dea
How are you handling a whole Warband of transmog?
With many of the changes and new features that we have seen in The War Within, we are truly experiencing a golden age of transmogrification -- but if you're like me, it might be so golden that it's kind of stressing you out a little bit.
Who is Jastor Gallywix, the final boss of Liberation of Undermine?
The latest raid in The War Within is Liberation of Undermine, which sees our band of plucky heroes taking a stand alongside much of Goblinkind in order to topple their long-time oppressor, Jastor Gallywix.
Here’s what we know so far about World of Warcraft’s upcoming customizable chihuahua battle pet
If you're the kind of World of Warcraft player who always charges into battle with an adorable pet by your side, then good news -- we seem to be getting a cute and customizable chihuahua sometime in the next few weeks.
Ranking the Liberation of Undermine tier set looks from best to worst
The Liberation of Undermine is the raid in patch 11.1, and each of the 13 current World of Warcraft classes is getting a signature armor set.
Undermine’s D.R.I.V.E. acronym in all other languages, ranked from best to worst
One of the more unique features added in The War Within patch 11.1 was the Dynamic and Revolutionary Improvements to Vehicular Experiences (D.R.I.V.E.) system, giving each player an incredibly fast hot rod to blast around Undermine.
The most appropriate formalwear for a night at the Gallagio
With Season 2 of The War Within underway, it's time to pay a visit to the premiere entertainment, dining, and (most importantly) gambling destination in all of Azeroth: The Gallagio.
The best transmog weapons to go along with the Plunderstorm’s Stormridden Finery
The latest season of Plunderstorm has hoisted the mainsail and coasted off into the sunset, leaving us with nothing but all of the sweet rewards we've been able to earn.
What are (or were) you doing first in The War Within’s Undermined content update?
The long-awaited passage to Undermine is finally open, and the first major batch of post-launch The War Within content is live.
Everything you need to know about Delves in The War Within Season 2
The addition of Delves as soloable end game content in The War Within has been largely welcomed by the playerbase, so it's no surprise that we'll be getting some new Delves, refreshes on old Delves, and other tweaks and improvements when patch 11.1 drops on February 25.
What item level gear do you need to run the Liberation of Undermine raid?
Our adventure into the Goblin capital city is just around the corner with patch 11.1 launching on February 25, and many players are revving up their engines to hit the brand new raid, Liberation of Undermine, at full throttle.