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BlizzCaps: Heavy is the head that wears the crown

"Look, man, I know wiping 30 times on Helya is stressful, and I’m really sorry you didn’t get the battle rez and the healers stole aggro and the Hunters hit Barrage and pulled all that extra trash — it was purely accident, I swear — but wandering around to pick up all our bones off the floor is really freaking all of us out," writes submitter Arugadh of Brotherhood of Iron on Wyrmrest Accord (US-A).

BlizzCaps: Grin and bear it

Submitter Gimmlette of Spectacular Death on Llane (US-A) writes, "It is a very rare occurrence when running old raids -- like Ulduar, for Mimron's non-existent head mount -- but sometimes your mom calls or the kitten jumps up on the desk and demands your attention, or you knock over your tea and it's headed toward the keyboard so you have to clean it up, where you find yourself mind-controlled and dying ...

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