BlizzCaps: No one likes us, we don’t care
"Nalindra looked out over the lake, trying to hide her impatience from Kaldan," writes submitter Tsunamiko of Shadowsong (EU-A).
BlizzCaps: Choose your own adventure
BlizzCaps: Don’t you know you ain’t no Johnny Cash
Submitter Gimmlette of Spectacular Death on Llane (US-A) takes on an American classic: "We ran into a burning rain of fire.
BlizzCaps: In the end there is one dance you’ll do alone
The guild of the Queue on Nesingwary (US-A) recently had to say goodbye to one of their members.
BlizzCaps: I’d like to speak to the manager
BlizzCaps: A sweeter world
Submitter Tsunamiko of Shadowsong (EU-A) writes, "There was something very relaxing about the fragrant trees in the arboretum in the Jade Forest.
BlizzCaps: Morale boosters
Submitter Paladave of Clan Wilkes on Garona (US-A) writes, "I have been raiding with of the Queue for the past few months and it's been a blast.
BlizzCaps: My kittehs, let me show you them
Submitter Samissara of Decoden (EU-H) writes, "After a few weeks of killing scourge in Icecrown, there's few things more therapeutic than spending some time with a happy cat.
BlizzCaps: Howlin’ for you
"My Steamwheedle Preservation Society friends told me I was looking a little worn down," writes submitter Zylofletcher of Spectacular Death on Llane (US-A) "'Hey, you might be busy saving Azeroth, but you still need to take the occasional break to recharge.
BlizzCaps: It’s not easy being green
"Here's some Alpha drama!" exclaims submitter Retpallyjil of Legion of Light on Perenolde (US-A).