BlizzCaps: Didn’t we shamble
Submitter Corin of Pocket Apocalypse on Shadowsong (US-A) knows you need to keep your Army of the Dead happy, and there's nothing the shambling undead enjoy more than a nice day out at the park!
BlizzCaps: It doesn’t matter what you wear just as long as you are there
Submitter Jton of Band of Gypsys on Alexstrasza (US-A) writes, "After taking part in the Wowhead holiday contest, I decided to go find the Mesmerizing Fruit Hat. Once I got back to my garrison, I tried to put together a Carmen Miranda outfit to get into the spirit.
BlizzCaps: Gronnlings in the mist
Submitter Vinsanity of the Queue on Nagrand (US-A) is one of Azeroth's foremost anthropologists.
BlizzCaps: Scare bear
When today's anonymous submitter first heard about Mists of Pandaria, she was incredibly excited to play a member of a humanoid bear race.
BlizzCaps: No worse than a man-bun
Submitter Eliza of the Queue on Nagrand (US-A) was trying to work up the courage to flirt with the hunky local innkeeper.
BlizzCaps: Echidna in the sky with diamonds
"Sorting through photos to upload to the gallery in my guild's web site, I stumbled across this shot," writes submitter Gimmlette of Spectacular Death on Llane (US-A).
BlizzCaps: The hangover
Today's submitter writes, "I know it's a bit late for a Christmas-themed screenshot, but this just seemed so delightfully ominous, and Deerhart of Pocket Apocalypse on Shadowsong (US-A) looked so grumpy, I couldn't resist sending it in." Since it's New Year's Day, I assume she's sucking on that leftover candy cane to get the lingering taste of André Cold Duck and cherry Chapstick from an ill-advised midnight kiss out of her mouth.
BlizzCaps: Party like before you had kids
Happy New Year's Eve, everyone!
BlizzCaps: Cut every corner
Submitter Gimmlette of Spectacular Death on Llane (US-A) writes, "I had a simple request.
BlizzCaps: Won’t you join my slaying tonight?
Today's submitter, who wishes to remain anonymous because of threats on her life, has a top-secret conspiracy to reveal to you.