World Of Warcraft
BlizzCaps: Don’t criticize what you can’t understand
"So there I was, demon hunting as we all do, and I came upon this odd little plain-air painting set up by some crazy Horde soldier," writes submitter Dorelei of Spectacular Death on Llane (US-A).
BlizzCaps: Blue on black, tears on a river
"One of our guild members likes to remind us that a lot of work has gone into the surroundings," writes submitter Gimmlette of Spectacular Death on Llane (US-A).
BlizzCaps: So meet a bear and take it out to lunch with you
"We suggest you read the following in your best Sir David Attenborough doing a nature documentary voice or Orson Wells doing a food commercial voice," suggests submitter Gimmlette of Spectacular Death on Llane (US-A).
BlizzCaps: You would cry too if it happened to you
"Withered re-integration is proceeding according to schedule, but they still seem to feel out of place at Suramar's lavish parties," writes submitter Tim.
BlizzCaps: The failed survivalist
"I guess there's worse ways to die in a fel-infested area of utter horror than in a quiet corner with cheese, wine, and books," writes submitter Solitha of Six Minutes to Release on Silvermoon (US-A).
BlizzCaps: Maps and legends
"You know how much fun it is to poke around amongst all the things you find in rooms," writes submitter Minaithelan of Spectacular Death on Llane (US-A).
BlizzCaps: MasterChef Junior
"If current you could go back in time and tell past you something important, what would it be?" asks submitter Gimmlette of Spectacular Death on Llane (US-A).
BlizzCaps: Pearly whites
Submitter Klarisse of Tauren Brute Squad on Argent Dawn (US-H) knows the secret to a sparkling smile: fastidious brushing, regular dental cleanings, and a diet low in sugar and high in calcium.
BlizzCaps: I can still hear you saying you would never break the chain
"Clearly, the Legion is in violation of simple safety (and physics) laws," writes submitter Solitha of Six Minutes to Release on Silvermoon (US-A).
BlizzCaps: Where the action’s at
"I sometimes revisit old glories with a Warrior friend, and was lucky enough to catch him in mid-stride and mid-whirl moving in on our foe," writes submitter Christina.