World Of Warcraft
BlizzCaps: Napping while the world burns
"Just because the Legion is invading, and all you hold dear is in jeopardy, it doesn't mean you can't enjoy a relaxing respite in the Exodar," writes submitter Otus of Sentinels (US-A).
BlizzCaps: Sealing the deal
"We span the universe, as countless as the stars! I bear allegiance to powers untouched by time, unmoved by fate.
BlizzCaps: Some folks even see the bear in me
"Annun Shadewind has come across a picnic basket in Val'sharah," writes submitter Shadewind.
BlizzCaps: I want to glide down over Mulholland
Submitter Tallien of Burning Steppes (EU-H) has discovered how to fly in Legion!
BlizzCaps: Still a better teacher than Hagrid
"Ghost wizard school is back in session, and Gara, Hati, and I are looking forward to our Care of Magical Creatures class," writes submitter Eulidia of Wyrmrest Accord (US-A).
BlizzCaps: The kids aren’t alright
Submitter Kenneth writes, "I used Emerald Winds to sneak my way into Acherus.
BlizzCaps: Turtles all the way down
Submitter Brogarn of Cenarion Circle (US-A) writes, "To take your attention away from snowstorms for a moment, I was adventuring in Suramar, and this made me decide it was my favorite zone in Legion.
BlizzCaps: Her dark companion
"I see Xala'tath, blade of the blade empire," writes submitter Supplication of Sentinels (US-A).
BlizzCaps: The once and future chef
"I took my little Pandaren cooking apprentice Nomi to see my new personal chef, Nomi," writes submitter Erik.
BlizzCaps: Stroll around the grounds until you feel at home
"After running all over the world to tame all the mechanical things, my hunter Zzim on The Scryers decided to take advantage of the invasions to get some serious leveling done," writes submitter Boven Whitehoof.