World Of Warcraft
BlizzCaps: King of wishful thinking
"There is nothing as necessary as celebrating a victory after a rousing run through Utgarde Pinnacle as a Timewalking dungeon," writes submitter Fangsong of Carpe Noctem on Proudmoore (US-A).
BlizzCaps: Battle of evil versus slightly less evil
Gimmlette of Spectacular Death on Llane (US-A) writes, "With the arrival of the Burning Legion, an old feud between Arthas' Ebon Blade Champions and Illidan's Chosen Illidari reignited.
BlizzCaps: Backseat driving
Today's submitter writes, "When Vryana of Deathtacular on Llane (US-H) offered her guildmate Quarterlber a ride to the evening's Sha kill, she knew it was going to be a bit crowded. What she didn't realize was that his beard was going to completely block her view.
BlizzCaps: The age of aquariums
Submitter Rann of Earthen Ring (US-A) writes, "While exploring Dalaran over Karazhan, my friend noticed this NPC stuck in the wall, in the aquarium, named just 'Mysterious Legs.' Poor guy ...
BlizzCaps: Lurking in the shadows
"Here's my outlaw (as in highwayman, not pirate) rogue, Zyra Vank of The Queue Too on Nesingwary (US-A), exploring the rogue lass Hall and interconnected hallways in New Dalaran, which is currently floating over Karazhan!
BlizzCaps: The job that ate my brain
Submitter Zzim of The Scryers (US-H) writes, "This poor Tauren didn't know what she was signing up for when the temp agency sent her out on a summer assignment.
BlizzCaps: I’m gonna go fishin’ and jump in the lake
Submitter Gimmlette of Spectacular Death on Llane (US-A) writes, "Well, put a cork in it.
BlizzCaps: You better bet your life
Today's submitter writes, "Two heavily armored Iron Horde soldiers were running towards them, shouting for others to join them.
BlizzCaps: Join the love train
"RP Train!
BlizzCaps: Cultural differences for dummies
Submitter Dee'atal of The Dark Side on Aszune (EU-A) recorded this conversation between herself and her loyal saberon companion: "Whyfor does Commander have Leorajh's face on her shield?" Dee contemplated explaining that it was a lion and not a saberon, then decided that it wasn't worth the time.