World Of Warcraft
BlizzCaps: Wet hot Azerothian summer
Submitter Gimmlette of Spectacular Death on Llane (US-A) writes, "I was out flying around Nagrand doing archaeology and finally decided to follow those flags set up by the Steamwheedle Preservation Society.
BlizzCaps: You can’t take the sky from me
Submitter Lib Feathers was taking an innocent selfie when she captured a flying object of the unidentified variety in the background.
BlizzCaps: Chopped
Submitter Razelka of the Queue on Nesingwary (US-A) is about to learn the first lesson of dating in Northrend.
BlizzCaps: Sorority rush in Ironforge
Submitter Eilyssana of Lightbringer (US-A) writes, "My paladin main decided to take a selfie with her passed-out gnome friend (who shall remain unnamed -- any longtime Lightbringer denizens should immediately recognize her anyway).
BlizzCaps: Let me be your teddy bear
After years of failed criminal conspiracies, submitter Jakeinator and his gang have finally come up with a foolproof plan.
BlizzCaps: Hearts and bones
Do you remember when Blizzard changed things so that Hunters no longer lost their pets if they didn't feed them?
BlizzCaps: An army of one
Submitter Othel of Llane (US-A) writes, "Spectacular Death ran Blackwing Lair last night -- at level and appropriately geared!
BlizzCaps: Inner peace, outer discomfort
"In this day and age, it's hard to find time for some peace and quiet," writes submitter Red.
BlizzCaps: The boys are back in town
Remember leveling through the Barrens back in vanilla?
BlizzCaps: Forward, my minion!
"This is me and my trustworthy Fel Sentry exploring Ahn'Qiraj in an attempt to uncover the famous Anubisath Idol, writes submitter Дмитрийс Павловс, which Google roughly translates from Cyrillic script as Dmitrijs Pavlovs.