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World Of Warcraft

BlizzCaps: Glad tidings

Submitter Kaoshi of Silver Hand (US-H) writes, "Gødspeed, of the combined Silver Hand/Farstriders/Thorium Brotherhood-US (AKA Thorium Farsilver or Far Silverbrother), held a holiday party for its members today in an officer's holiday-blinged-out-garrison!  We handed out five hexweave bags full of great presents -- mounts and pets and crafted gear and a few lumps of coal for our raid leader.

BlizzCaps: Def Poetry Jam

Submitter Starbück of the Queue on Nagrand (US-A) was so inspired by her screenshot that she felt the urge to rewrite a famous Robert Frost poem: Gliding to the Shipyard on a Shadowmoon-lit Evening To my garrison's shipyard I must go, It's far down the hill from Lunarfall, though.

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