World Of Warcraft
BlizzCaps: Dogs and cats living together!
Submitter Pat was getting a quick drink at a local inn when they stumbled upon this strange duo.
BlizzCaps: Like a lead zeppelin
Submitter Gimmlette writes, "With world PVP in such a sorry state, it can be really tough to get the attention of the Horde when you want to do a bit of 'We take over your town; you take over ours.' Ahhhh.
BlizzCaps: Alemental plateau
Hallow's End and alcohol -- two great tastes that taste great together.
BlizzCaps: A non-stop flight to Phoenix
Submitter Exmachinax of Dawnbringer (US-H) writes, "I call this picture 'To The Moon', because ...
BlizzCaps: Everybody walk the dinosaur
Submitter Gimmlette of Spectacular Death on Llane (US-A) writes, "I'm working on Jungle Stalker and happened to run into The Goreclaw.
BlizzCaps: Into thin air
Submitter Bronwenne of the Queue on Nesingwary (US-A) writes, "Playing around with the Hallow's End Magic Broom, I found that if you're falling unmounted between the garrison and harbor, the point where you phase between sometimes kills you.
BlizzCaps: Pyromancer Pepe
"BlizzCaps!" exclaims submitter Amunet of BloodOath on Ravencrest (US-A), who posts here under the name Hyadian.
BlizzCaps: Or the bird gets it!
Submitter Glaeken of the Queue on Nesingwary (US-A) was hunting earlier today and spotted something flying low in the garrison.
BlizzCaps: IKEA tested us and we failed
"I'm really not sure why the Iron Horde is considered all that much of a threat," writes submitter Boven.
Encrypted Text: The best and worst of Rogue changes in Warlords
As we wander aimlessly through this slowly widening chasm between the announcement of Legion and the first major release of information about what new changes the game has in store for Rogues, now feels like a good time to stop, take a step back and look at the adjustments that Warlords of Draenor brought to our class.