WoW hotfixes address class mount quests and more

While everyone was busy picking up their class mounts yesterday, Blizzard released a short list of hotfixes, including two related to the class mount quest chains. For Mage players, Kalec will now bend space and time itself to remain firmly stationed in your Class Hall while you are on or eligible for any of your class mount quests — even if he’s been sent on a mission. For Rogue players, a bug has been fixed that affected the spawning of the Silvermoon and Exodar marks for Hiding in Plain Sight. This absolutely will not help you with sniping that auctioneer though — good luck with that.
The rest of the list is fairly short and sweet, but given that we appear to be approaching patch 7.2.5’s release, that’s to be expected. Read on for the full list of hotfixes.
June 6
Legionfall Campaign
- “Blood of a Titan” should now count toward the campaign quest “Championing Our Cause”.
- “Relieved of Their Valuables” now requires 5 Hidden Wyrmtongue Caches (was 10).
Class Mount Quests
- Kalec will remain visible in the Mage Class Hall while the player is on or eligible for any of the class mount quests, even if he has been sent on a mission.
- Fixed a bug with spawning of the Silvermoon and Exodar marks for “Hiding in Plain Sight.”
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