Introducing our first sponsor: NewEgg

When we launched Blizzard Watch, we announced that we would also be running advertisements to supplement our Patreon funding. On that front, our goal was — and is — to move ourselves into a position where we can handle ad sales on our own rather than use an automated system wherein we have limited control over the content of the advertisements on our site. It’s important to us that our ads are more than just income; they should be about the kind of things we care about. And, hopefully, actually be useful and informative to our community.
Today, we’re pleased to say we’ve made the first step toward that goal with our first sponsor: NewEgg. It’s a pretty exciting thing for us; many members of our staff have used just that source to acquire the tech we use daily. NewEgg was as excited to support our community as we were to welcome them as a sponsor. Thank you for sticking with us, everyone!
Please consider supporting our Patreon!
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