The Queue: BlizzCon, Harrison Jones, lockboxes, and more

Much of yesterday’s discussion in the comments related to Easter celebrations. What did I do for Easter? Nothing. Because I’m a curmudgeon. Holidays are for the birds. Onward, to the Q&A!
I have finally thought of a question for the queue. I’ve been replaying Wings of Liberty and, soon, Heart of the Swarm in preparation for Legacy of the Void, and something’s been bugging me. How do the Zerg get about? Do they make some kind of wormhole? Teleport? They don’t seem to have hyperjump tech like the Terrans and the Protoss would have something similar I suspect, but the Zerg are just kind of there. Granted they exist on virtually every planet in Koprulu but the Sentient ones have to get around from one place to another in human timescales and I haven’t seen a Zerg do a jump so how do they get around the Koprulu sector?
I’m going to preface my answer with this: I am not particularly knowledgeable about StarCraft lore. I’ve played the games, but I haven’t read the books or any supplementary material. As I recall, the zerg are both made of tough enough stuff to withstand the vacuum of space and their more powerful psionics are capable of creating wormhole/portals to distant places. I think there are cinematics in the original StarCraft titles which show the zerg performing such jumps/teleports.
For the Harrison Jones quests, you can only complete one a day, regardless of how much garrison surfing you do, correct?
That’s correct. The various rotating garrison NPCs are the same for everyone each day — that is, while you may not necessarily have one of the traders in your garrison, everyone who does have one will have the same one. If it’s an herb trader day, you won’t be able to find someone with an ore trader. It’s just herbs. Harrison Jones will give everyone only one quest per day and everyone will get the same quest that day.
why can engineers not open lockboxes this expansion? Or am I missing a very elusive recipe?
Blacksmiths can’t make keys for lockboxes this expansion, either. You aren’t missing a recipe. It’s just one of many things that got flushed down the toilet with the streamlining of professions.
Do we know who is going to BlizzCon yet? BW staff, BW readers, whoever.
I can only speak for the staff. So far, it looks like we’re going to try getting one, maybe two people out there. We can’t really afford more than that. And whether or not we get out there at all, of course, depends on our ability to snag tickets when they go on sale.
What’s your take on a frequent argument on my server: Lumber Mill or Trading Post?
At the beginning of Warlords of Draenor, I preferred the Lumber Mill. The Lumber Mill made you go out into the world and collect a new resource. That was awesome when the world was still new and shiny and I didn’t have oodles of crafting materials laying around to be tossed away. Now? The Trading Post is easier because I do have a surplus of just about everything, making them a more viable option for accruing garrison resources. With that stockpile, it’s faster and easier to dip into my main’s reagent bank to generate resources for alts. Otherwise, I’d spend hours chopping down trees on all of my alts and that doesn’t sound appealing whatsoever.
The Lumber Mill was pretty sweet for getting extra followers on my main, too.
Are the ethereals in Ashran/our garrison from our own timeline or from AU Draenor?
I don’t know for certain, but I’d guess they’re from our timeline. I’m fairly certain the ethereals didn’t end up on Draenor until after Ner’zhul blew it up. Given we arrive in the Warlords timeline before those events can take place, it’s too early for the ethereals to be there.
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