The Queue: Pink hair on a Death Knight is weird

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments and we may choose it for tomorrow’s edition!
Did anyone else know the Miner’s Coffee speed boost can stack up to 5 times? I just realized this yesterday and have been zippin round my mine like a madman
I did know this! I generally only use three coffees per day or I eventually run out — there aren’t enough mining carts available per day to replenish a full five coffees. Of course, if you’ve only been using one coffee per day since the patch where they became a stacking buff, you probably have one heck of a stockpile to burn through.
What are the odds that we will get to see the grown up (or at least teenaged) versions of Dornaa and Salandria as story characters/quest givers?
Unfortunately, I feel it’s unlikely. It’s been so long since those quests were first put into the game that I’d be surprised if the employee who implemented them still worked at Blizzard. Plus, those quests set Dornaa and Salandria up as future saviors of the world — that kind of thing implies a massive, sweeping story. Would Blizzard bring back a couple of kids from a holiday quest for something like that? Probably not. I’d rather their future remain a mystery over seeing them as random NPCs giving out a quest somewhere.
Had a discussion in raid the other night when a Disco priest said there was no such thing as healing aggro anymore, is this correct? FTR i’m sure it’s not but I haven’t mained a healer since Cata.
If a tank has hit a mob before a healer has cast anything, the healer will never (or almost never) pull aggro off of that tank. However, if a tank pulls a group of mobs and the healer casts a spell before the tank can get threat on everything, the mobs will run for the healer rather than the tank.
In other words, healing threat still exists, but tank threat is so high these days that it should never be an issue at high levels. It might still be a factor in low level dungeons before tanks have all of their tanking abilities.
I was healing one of those garrison raid boss fights and realized there were several people I could not heal because they were flagged for pvp and I was not. When did this change?
This happened in patch 6.0. The change prevents accidentally flagging for PVP and what players have always called “blueflagging.” Blueflagging was a cheap way of jumping someone on PVE/RP realms where players weren’t permanently flagged. You could target someone who was flagged for PVP while you weren’t flagged for PVP and wind up a big, nasty spell. The person who was flagged couldn’t do anything to stop you — all they could do was stand there and take it. Only when the spell was complete were you flagged for PVP, and by then, it was too late for them to do anything about it. Healers could do the same thing to help allies who were flagged. By starting your heal while not flagged for PVP, the healer was guaranteed to get at least one heal spell off without anybody being able to stop them.
can we please have Ask a Faction Leader?
Ask a Faction Leader was Mike Sacco’s personal fever-dream project and he’s no longer with us. We loved also loved that column, but it just doesn’t make sense to do it without the person who was writing it to begin with.
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