World of Warcraft hotfixes for June 26

A new batch of hotfixes for patch 6.2 have been posted to the official blog, including more changes and adjustments to several Hellfire Citadel encounters, as well as some Ashran changes. Hotfixes that were previously listed as Hotfix in Testing have now apparently been fully implemented. In addition, quite a few bug fixes have been made — Leorajh should now correctly open the command interface for players, and sorry, low-level alts, but Supreme Lord Kazzak will no longer be dropping felblight for players under level 100. Read on for the full list of hotfixes.
June 26
- You can now cast Prowl while sitting.
Death Knight
- Frost Strike now deals 16.67% less damage. This brings the ability’s damage back to pre-Patch 6.2.0 levels.
- Obliterate now deals 16.67% less damage. This brings the ability’s damage back to pre-Patch 6.2.0 levels.
- Howling Blast now deals 16.67% less damage. The ability still deals slightly more damage than before Patch 6.2.0.
- Improved Focus Fire should now correctly increase attack power.
- Lava Lash now deals 20% more damage.
- Stormstrike now deals 20% more damage.
- Windstrike now deals 20% more damage.
- Pressing the Attack: Completing the one-time chapter versions of each bonus objective related to this quest should now be awarding quest credit.
- Gara: Players can now use Trade Agreement: Arakkoa Outcasts, regardless of where they are in this quest chain.
- Vignette: Murktide Alpha: This quest is no longer cleared from your character during a daily reset or after logging off.
Raids and Dungeons
Hellfire Citadel
Iron Reaver
- After defeating Iron Reaver, you should no longer see toasts for every other player who looted the Internal Stabilizer Equipment Plan.
Kilrogg Deadeye
- Fel Corruption gained from Hulking Terrors before Kilrogg should now fall off upon exiting combat
Fel Lord Zakuun
- Noxious Cloud should no longer cause a big framerate drop.
- Players’ corpses should no longer be teleported out of the nether during this encounter.
- If you fall off the platform while in the Twisting Nether, your corpse will not be teleported back up to the platform.
- Allure of Flames no longer targets dead melee players.
- Archimonde should now prefer to cast Nether Banish on players who are in a tank spec.
- In The Breach, Stormshield Footman and Warspear Grunt no longer drop any loot.
- The Stand Fast aura should provide an increase of 5% to your damage. The tooltip for this aura will be updated at a later date.
- The Tower Defense aura should provide an increase of 10% to your damage. The tooltip for this aura will be updated at a later date.
- The Hold Your Ground aura should provide an increase of 15% to your damage. The tooltip for this aura will be updated at a later date.
- Victory in Ashran events now grants 150 honor per win, down from 250.
- Victory in Ashran Mines now requires 30 marks, down from 50.
- Saberstalker Teachings: Trailblazer should now be refundable for the full amount paid to the vendor.
- Ai-Li’s Skymirror cannot be used to copy the transform effect of Vial of Red Goo.
- Baleful Cloak and Baleful Ring will now grant spec-specific rewards, as intended.
- Mission Completion Orders used on Legendary Naval missions no longer advance the time of the next offered mission.
Bug Fixes
- Leorajh has regained the ability to open the command interface for you.
- Fixed a bug causing quest progress to stop functioning after the completion of a dungeon.
- Players no longer lose quest progress when splitting stacks of quest items and then recombining them.
- Fixed a bug preventing some vendor items from being purchaseable.
- Supreme Lord Kazzak no longer drops felblight for characters below level 100.
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