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The QueueJul 15, 2015 11:00 am CT

The Queue: Doping in esports

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments and we may choose it for tomorrow’s edition!

Today we discuss when we’ll be able to fly, sequels to the Warcraft movie, doping in esports, and more.


Ok, so we get flying back sooner than soon tm, I was a bit surprised that we aren’t able to fly once getting Pathfinder.  So I guess the question now is, when is this next small patch coming that will give us flight proper?

Soon. Probably. The devs said “weeks” rather than “months” so it could be up to 6-7 weeks from the launch patch 6.2. Given the patch launched June 23, flight might not become available until early August. That is, assuming, it doesn’t get delayed until even later. I wouldn’t expect it earlier than August, though.


Which storyline (or expansion) do you think would make the best movie, as a follow-up to the one coming out next year?

Doing each of the RTS games in sequence seems logical to me. First War, Second War, Third War. There’s your trilogy. Boom, done. Stormwind gets hit by orcs and loses. Lordaeron gets hit by orcs and wins. Lordaeron falls to treachery and dark magic while the orcs bust free and flourish elsewhere. It’s a fantasy film; I’m sure they’ll have no problems integrating Warcraft‘s magic in one form or another. People are perfectly fine with watching a film about a guy who builds a robo-suit, a super-soldier, a man that turns green, and a Norse god.


It is only logical to assume that Raiding with Leashes IV will be the one featuring Tier 7, AKA the first tier of Wrath of the Lich King. What pets are you hoping will be included?

That’s what — Naxxramas, Obsidian Sanctum, and Malygos? Naxxramas is included in a different Raiding with Leashes, so I have my doubts about IV being restricted to Malygos and Sartharion. I’d guess it’ll be those two plus Ulduar. Personally, I want a Mini Giant from Ignis. Because it’s so stupid it’s wonderful. Maybe a Mini Mimiron, too.


Could a link be added to one of the pull downs on the top  of the home page for Twitch and/or the archived videos from Twitch?  You can get to the Blizzard Games, Class Columns, Daily Features, Weekly Features, or Podcast from there, but not Twitch.  Maybe add it to the Weekly Features or expand the Podcast?

It’s possible, but note you can get to our YouTube channel via the circular button in our sidebar. That’s where links to all of our social stuff live: Twitter, Facebook, Twitch, and YouTube.


Tournaments organizations that run HotS and SCII tournaments,do they test for illegal drugs and have rules about drugs like Ritalin? The reason I ask is some drugs legal ones used illegally and illegal drugs used in moderation could provide competitors with advantages during tournaments, and many tournaments are now giving quite large cash prizes to winners.

I was just talking about this on Twitter the other night — no, esports does not have any regulations about performance-enhancing drugs. One day, however, they’ll need them. Already, some pro gamers admit to using adderall and there have been big kerfluffles about certain high-end progression raid teams in WoW suggesting their raiders use amphetamines during races to world first. People will laugh about this, but it’s an actual problem — it’s damaging to the people abusing these substances and creates a situation where people are at a disadvantage if they aren’t doping before StarCraft games or whatever.


What will happen to the alternate azeroth now that those orcs never invade? Do you think the horde still exists?

Given it’s been previously stated Azeroth only survived the Burning Legion in the Third War was because the orcs were there to help — they’re probably in trouble. Personally, I don’t buy it, but that’s what’s been said. I don’t buy it because consider how many people died fighting the orcs. If Lordaeron forged an Alliance to fend off the orcs — why wouldn’t they do so to stop the Burning Legion? On the Eastern Kingdoms alone you’d have Stormwind, Lordaeron, Kul Tiras, Gilnead, Arathi, Dalaran, Alterac, Quel’Thalas, and so forth at full strength. On Kalimdor, the night elves haven’t been friendly with the trolls, no — but they never had beef with the tauren. (That was not intended as a pun.) Cenarius would still be alive because Grom wasn’t there to kill him.

Everything points to Azeroth being more prepared for the Burning Legion without the orcs’ interference — not less. Their respective armies, defenses, guardians, and reinforcements across the globe would be intact. But who knows?

The Horde wouldn’t exist, no. The orcs are the Horde. It’s their name, their show, and everyone else is just along for the ride — for better or worse.

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