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The QueueNov 2, 2015 11:00 am CT

The Queue: Busy for BlizzCon

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!


SO now that y’all have had some time to donk around with it, would you say OVR plays more like TF2, or a MOBA?  Or is that distinction too fine to call?

I am not actually in the beta myself, but from watching streams and talking to those who are in the beta, it really has very little in common with MOBA games. That doesn’t surprise me — it never particularly looked like a MOBA and I haven’t been able to nail down why people saw it as one. The variety in characters, maybe? I’m not sure! It’s very much an objective-based FPS. I know there are games out there that blend both MOBA and FPS, but Overwatch isn’t one of them. It’s certainly more of a Team Fortress 2 type of game. The objectives present in maps are all FPS standbys — capture points, payload, and so on.


Blizzcon starts this Friday.  Will the next few days go by slow, or fast?  Or something else?

I expect news will be slow to nonexistent, but the week is going to be crazy for me, anyway. I still have to complete some items in the planning stage, I need to pack, and so on and so forth — my flight is Wednesday morning. It’s going to be wild.


Does Blizzard need to nail Legion?  Does it need to be the next big thing since Wrath to keep the game “healthy”?

I do think Legion needs to be particularly impressive after Warlords of Draenor. I’m not sayin’ it needs to be the best game ever made, it doesn’t need to completely revolutionize the MMO space or whatever, but I do think they need to deliver good, regular, consistent content this time around. I’m sure there are people out there who loved Warlords, but I do truly feel they totally dropped the ball post-launch/at max level and that needs to not happen again.


I’d love some speculation on the new Overwatch hero teased, D.VA. I heard a great suggestion, that she was a stealth-based hero that focused on scouting and planning for where the opposing team camped, maybe some traps or ambushes. It would do good with her background in gaming, and it would be a really fun niche we haven’t seen much of yet. I’d guess on a defense hero.

I’m expecting D.VA will control some kind of mech. She’s wearing something reminiscent of a plugsuit from Evangelion, and if they’re pushing her gaming background thing, the mecha could work for that. She wouldn’t personally be fighting; she’d be controlling her robot as if playing a video game. Buttons, joysticks, whatever.

That’s all I have time for at the moment, what with all of the BlizzCon prep happening. As an apology for length, I leave you with a music video, as if that will somehow help or something. Warning: Some naughty words.

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Filed Under: Q&a

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