The Queue: The carrot and the stick

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!
It’s Monday again, which means today’s Queue might be a short’un.
does it feel like the hero leveling [in Heroes of the Storm] takes kinda an unreasonably long time? I get that there’s no real -reason- to level, and the idea isn’t to power level but just to play and have fun, but it’s like the drag chute just pulled at about lvl 6, and without that Skinner box, the repetition really starts to hit home.
I do feel that way, actually! The leveling process is atrociously slow past level 6 — slow enough that I stopped worrying about it. While I find most of the Master Skins hideous compared to their base skin, there are a few I would love to have, but don’t play the game nearly enough to come anywhere close on any hero I regularly play. And when I say I don’t play nearly enough, I probably put in an hour or two per day to knock out my daily quest(s). My highest hero is level 8. I pretend those rewards for leveling don’t exist. When I finally unlock an alternate skin or mount color, great. But I’m not going to grind my way there and I’m not going to tempt myself by looking forward to getting it. When it happens, it happens.
The carrot is so far away, all I can see is the stick.
Now that we’re at the end of Warlords, dps numbers are beginning to noticeably inflate. I havent been able to raid much this xpac but in LFR I’ve seen some well geared mages and locks sustain 150k dps or more. At that rate won’t we be back into MoP-level numbers by the end of Legion? Should we expect another number crunch so soon?
Numbers have already gotten insane again, I agree. Legion is unlikely to bring another squish, but we’re seeing datamined gear with thousands of a certain primary stat on it — if those numbers don’t change during beta, they’ll have to squish again in the expansion which will follow Legion. The numbers I’m seeing are so absurd, it’s almost like they never squished to begin with. The developers hit that reset button on numbers, then inflated them back up faster than ever before.
Hero’s Q4tQ: If my friend and I win 2 games using my Cho’Gall in vs. AI mode, will that unlock Cho’Gall for him, or do the wins have to come from games vs. other players? I really suck at Hero’s and barely ever play, but I would like to help him unlock Cho’Gall.
You can do it in vs. AI. Any and all quests, including the ones related to Cho’gall, can be completed against the AI or against players. The only place it doesn’t work is practice matches.
Have we been without the “BW Leveling Boanza” Thursday event on Twitch for the last three weeks?
We held one last week. The archive should now be available on YouTube.
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