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WoWDec 31, 2015 1:30 pm CT

Wrapping up Northrend in today’s WoW livestream on Twitch at 2 p.m. CST

We’re all roughly level 78 and eager to get out of Northrend — questing in Icecrown continues to lack any appeal for us due to its heavy phasing and solo-oriented quests. We’re not entirely sure what we’ll do to get those last couple of levels, but it probably involves our last few Wrath of the Lich King dungeons. Can I convince the team to run The Oculus? Let’s find out! You can join us below or directly on Twitch. And if you missed last week’s stream, the archive is available on YouTube.

For those of you who decide to join us in-game, we only ask that you be respectful: try not to thrust yourself in front of the camera and remember we are, in fact, trying to play the game. You can hang out, but a level 100 one-shotting our mobs isn’t helpful! We know you’re excited to hang out, but making our questing harder makes us grumpy. Thank you!

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